Ecco Kids
Strategy & Campaigns
Expressing a child’s sense of adventure and imagination.
The Research
When challenged by Ecco to reposition the Ecco Kids brand to make it feel more relevant and appealing to their target audience, we decided we had to interview kids themselves to understand the big adventures they go on in their little heads…and they didn’t disappoint…
Using these hilarious insights and capturing the energy the kids gave us in the interview inspired the direction for our subsequent brand film, retail experiences and wider marketing communications…
The Brand Film
We produced this energetic brand film which captures the child’s sense of adventure, whilst demonstrating all the possibilities for kids in Ecco Kids’ ultra comfy shoes.
We injected personality and attitude through a new style of photography, whilst capturing candid moments of kids on their own adventures.

“I Can” Ad Campaigns
Combining our new ambitious tone of voice with lifestyle photography, as well as a separate studio shoot, we introduced the “i can” campaign from the kids’ perspective – showcasing anything and everything that kids aim to achieve in Ecco Kids shoes. We celebrate kids’ active curiosity and champion their adventure spirit. We have produced multiple campaigns to demonstrate how the creative direction can evolve and flex over time, whilst always referencing and celebrating the kids’ sense of adventure and playful imagination.
Retail Windows
We’ve designed, manufactured and installed multiple series of seasonal retail window displays to capture the attention and imagination of kids and parents.
The Playbook
Capturing everything from the logo, strap-line and manifesto, to fonts, colours, campaign guidelines and retail specifications, we created the Ecco Kids playbook for the brand marketing team to refer to for a consistent expression of the brand across all channels. The Playbook also serves as an introductory guide to new team members when they join the Ecco Kids gang!