Social Media Campaign
Raising awareness of Auto Trader’s ‘search by your monthly budget’ tool by solving tricky car-buying conundrums with the help of the UK’s favourite mathematician.
Who’s good with numbers? Pythagoras or maybe Albert Einstein? Well we thought Rachel Riley was pretty good with figures and 100% could do the maths… she was also easier to get hold of! Tackling a range of tricky real-life scenarios, Rachel worked out what our tweeter’s monthly commitments added up to, what choice of car suited their lifestyle, and, doing the numbers, gave them a selected car choice to fit their monthly budget.
The Midlife Crisis
It can happen to anyone.
Thankfully, Rachel was on hand…
Rachel helps Brian make sense of his balls…
One day of filming, one maths genius, five scripts and loads of social content… As well as directing over 100,000 new customers to the brand’s website, our campaign also won ‘Video Content Campaign of the Year’ at the UK Content Awards. Sounds simple? Well, Rachel really does know her numbers, so she made it all add-up!