Auto Trader
"It's That Easy" Campaign
Redefining the UK’s largest online automotive marketplace as a brand for everyone… not just ‘petrol heads’!
No more magazines
We needed to alter hard-wired perceptions of the UK’s biggest online car marketplace. No longer a grease-stained copy you may have flicked through while waiting at your local MOT garage, things have changed gear.
Now purely online and digital, with a move away from ‘petrol heads’ to become more inclusive and at the same time, tune-in to the less confident car buyers and car sellers audience.
Life Moments
Research told us that the majority of car buyers are looking for a new car because of a new moment in their life. We produced a hero 40-second cut for cinema, a 30-sec for TV and shorter online cut-downs, as well as radio edits, all of which feature a range of real life scenarios that trigger the need for your next new car – from having a baby, starting a new job, or taking a new hobby really seriously!

Make it easy
The majority of customers we interviewed told us they don’t like the traditional car buying process of negotiating with a dealer and feeling like they’re getting ripped off. To them, it felt difficult and not enjoyable at all. So, by highlighting Auto Trader’s new ‘search by your monthly budget’ tool, we’ve made it even easier to get your next car, whilst changing brand perceptions that you don’t need to be a negotiating ninja or petrol head to get the most out of Auto Trader!
TV went live on Christmas day, followed by radio, cinema and a range of social cut-downs channels for targeting various consumer profiles.
The campaign delivered over 15 million incremental visits to the Auto Trader website at a cost of £0.10 per visit. It really was that easy!