Ecco Outdoor
Brand Positioning
Elevating the desirability of Ecco Outdoor, by redefining what it means to be an ‘outsider’ in the busy outdoor footwear category…
Welcome To The Outside World.
Ecco Outdoor’s challenge was to shake off its ‘nice and safe’ perception – and to excite a younger, more dynamic demographic. Following workshops with the team in Denmark and after interviewing lots of customers, it became clear that not many people truly appreciated the craft that goes into Ecco Outdoor boots, or indeed how well they protect you from the elements. To elevate the intrigue and desirability of the brand, we explored the route of highlighting Ecco Outdoor as an unorthodox choice by positioning the brand as an ‘Outsider’.
Being an outsider is powerful. It’s about doing things your way, not following the crowd; the perfect way to position Ecco Outdoor. We produced a new brand film expressing the ‘outsider’ proposition, which became a rallying cry for our target audience of like-minded thinkers, doers and creators…
Standing out.
Our new brand palette and look for Ecco Outdoor involved creating an identity as raw and punchy as our ‘Outsider’ proposition. The ‘Horizon Red’ brand colour reflects the start and end of a new day as well as conjuring a sense of confidence, being active and elicits energy into the brand. We modified the master brand font to be more bold and dramatic, allowing Ecco Outdoor’s typography outlook to be portrayed as an obvious outsider with attitude within the category. ‘When You’re Out You’re In’ not only became our re-launch campaign headline and rallying cry to all Ecco Outsiders, it also shaped our flexible language hierarchy and overarching tone of voice, whilst celebrating the brand’s renegade mentality.
With a new aesthetic and attitude, we developed a fresh new ident to celebrate Ecco Outdoor.
Respecting the heritage of the classic logo, we’ve evolved the ident to subtly reference the outdoors.
We established a product promise for the brand, with a positioning that encapsulates stepping into a pair of Ecco’s shoes, knowing you can take on whatever’s next, in your environment whilst in your element. We defined this as ‘Made for the Elements’.